Monday, 4 October 2010

Oil, Sand and Plasticine Animation

Today I took part in an under camera workshop. Using Stop Motion Pro 5 we were to create an experimental and abstract animation using different processes lasting around 10 seconds but more than anything to just have a go and play with the resources.

Firstly i tryed oil on glass animation, at first this looked quite fiddly and messy but i really got into it. I like the different textures and patterns you can so easily create. I think creating a character and morphing it takes ages and would be hard using this technique however after looking at some of the experts i would be interested in furthering into it perhaps.

I then had a go at platicine animation. Again i just played around with shapes trying to speed up some bits make unexpected things happen. This exercise was very easy and i could think of lots of things to do but it felt very simple and basic.

Finally i had a go at sand on glass. This i really enjoyed. I like the way you can fade and contrast,. flow things into one another and its just moving sand, adding sand and taking it away!! The only problem i found was that if you went wrong it was near impossible to get the exact image back.

Overall it was interesting using different materials and techniques, please let me know which you prefer. I feel i enjoyed the oil the most and will be back tomorrow to have another go!! :D